domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

post 3: the origin of conflict in the middle east

As many of you know the middle eat is a place where conflict is a normal thing and it goes around almost in every country. but why does this happen in the middle east, this is the most violent piece of land in the whole world. there are conflicts going on in more than 5 countries plus the collateral effects this cause like deaths and refugees. This doesnt only affect the countries in conflict but the ones near them and a giant amount of people.

the first thing we need to think about s the middle east is the place were the three major religions in the world originated. Judaism, christianity and islam all were formed there and all are fighting for land and other things. The biggest conflicts have been originated by religion and also the longest one too. this is one of the major reasons conflict originated in this part of the world.

Other factors that contributed to the conflict generation is gender inequality. The inequality in this region reaches crazy levels. Men in this society have absolute control over women and dominate their lives. Having these men-controlled society leads to resentment from women. Another thing the middle east struggles with is foreign countries trying to get a hold of their natural resources specially oil. This part of the world has had many conflicts with the U.S and it is clear america has the intention to take every drop of oil in the middle east they can get.

The struggle in the middle east has been going on for years and will continue more because it has to fight many things. after this problems they have are solved and settled the world will be ready for a peaceful middle east that is ready to prosper and be better in the world.

Second post: how people ignore violence

It's crazy how many conflicts are going on in the world right now. I have seen that people only take interest in conflicts to after a little time drop the interest and ignore the conflict. Some of these conflicts and violence never settles but  people choose to ignore it and  pretend to care for other violent  event.  This leads to ignoring the conflict and this eventually makes it harder to solve the problem and restore peace.

The best example is Venezuela and Ukraine right now. At the end of last year every corner of the world had its eye on Ukraine an were concerned until another event started going in in Venezuela. When this happened all te media attention went to Venezuela and so did all the help from various sources. This is the mentality that leads us  to more trouble instead of more solutions.

What we need to do is focus in solving these problems instead of faking attention forwards them. If we embrace this mentality we can solve more problems instead of just pretending they dont exist. This will lead to solutions and more attention on problems that need to be solved.

lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

About myself

Hi, my name is Rafael Ramirez I am 16 year old senior at colegio panamericano, I love basketball and it is my biggest passion. I like to go out with my friends, play video games and watch movies. I created this blog for my social studies and will like to see how it works out because it can become interesting.