domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Second post: how people ignore violence

It's crazy how many conflicts are going on in the world right now. I have seen that people only take interest in conflicts to after a little time drop the interest and ignore the conflict. Some of these conflicts and violence never settles but  people choose to ignore it and  pretend to care for other violent  event.  This leads to ignoring the conflict and this eventually makes it harder to solve the problem and restore peace.

The best example is Venezuela and Ukraine right now. At the end of last year every corner of the world had its eye on Ukraine an were concerned until another event started going in in Venezuela. When this happened all te media attention went to Venezuela and so did all the help from various sources. This is the mentality that leads us  to more trouble instead of more solutions.

What we need to do is focus in solving these problems instead of faking attention forwards them. If we embrace this mentality we can solve more problems instead of just pretending they dont exist. This will lead to solutions and more attention on problems that need to be solved.

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