martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Light Bulb Conspiracy

In this film we learned more about planned obsolecense and how it all started in the 1920s. This concept began when the lightbulb companies joined together to form a cartel and decided to reduce the life time of a lightbulb to make more profit and eventually make a lot of money. This process took about 8 years and the life time decreased from about 2000 hour to 1000. When the american economy failed in 1930 an economist proposed planned obsolesce as a law and he said it should be mandatory, this proposal eventually failed and the economy recovered. In the 1950s another man used this system and it was successful because people were economically successful and the motto was make things for the sake of making it people will buy them even if they don't need them. At the moment the system worked but it wasn't the only one being used, this system became popular and nearly all big and small companies started using it.

This system eventually created a monster called consumerism that now rules our society and most companies products now. Companies took advantage of peoples obsession with buying new things that they usually didn't need. They started making newer products on a more regular basis with barely any change but yet people bought it because they felt out of fashion or tougth there other old products were obsolete. This system created big multinationals that don't have any morals they just care about profit and keeping the customers hooked to their product. The wastes and damages this companies generate often go to third world countries like Ghana. People there are affected by the consumerist society in the other side of the world. the only way to stop this is to abandon this system and adopt a new one more environmentally friendly that makes durable products and helps the environment.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Four horsemen post

The film states that everything in life and specially empires have cycles and the American empire and the corporocracy are bound to collapse because their cycle is already about to finish. If this happened in the next 10 to 40 years it will directly affect us and the future generations but if this happens in the next 50 to 80 years it will mostly affect the future generations. The fall of America and the corporocracy will affect the way we live and the economy of the future.  Right now the economy is not the best but it is acceptable and for most of the people in our class and school their financial future looks great. This could affect us because most people in todays economy think after high school we go to college and then have a garaunteed job and automatic future wealth. This is part of the system we have been living in for our entire lifes and the one that is supposed to be on decline.

The film says this empire is in decline and this is evident because society is in decadence and we can see it in everyday life. This decline is shown in the addiction to sex, obssesion with luxuries and careless acttitude. If this continues our future life will be all about seeking luxuries and obssesion with sex, but out whole lifestyle can change when another empire rises to power. In the story of humanity and all its great empires when these empires fall another power rises and takes over the world. These empires bring new systems and changed the way the world worked and bring a new lyfe style and economy.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Post 2: monetary system in colombia

The money in colombia is controlled by the central bank and its goal is to have enough money, for the entire country including the government. Its other obligationl is that consumers have enough money to make their purchases, companies have enough money to make purchases, pay their obligations and make their investments and that the government has enough money to meet its expenses and make investments. The system works preety much the same as in the US.

The Central Bank in this case only has to keep 8 percent and also has the benefit of injecting money in the system. Besides from that difference the system works virtually the same, the government asks for money and the central bank gives it to them and after that the multiple deposits start happening. This is another Colombian system that was modeled after an american system and this leads to more corruption. The money systems in most countries is corrupt and unless we make drastic changes like Andrew Jackson in 1845 the system wont change at all and corruption will prevail.

Post1: zeitgeist movie

In the zeitgeist movie we saw how the monetary system in America and most of the world.. The movie showed us that in reality money has no existent value and is always created out of debt. The day that everybody could pay all of their debts that day there will not be a single dollar in circulation. The system is very corrupt and is designed to favor the government and hurt regular people. The government uses the system to its advantage and when the need for money comes back they just print more and cause it to devaluate, this is known as inflation. Inflation causes the devaluation of the currency and the things you could buy with a dollar decreases.

The system starts when the government needs money and tells the federal reserve to give them some. The government gives them treasury bonds, then the reserve gives them money that at the time has no real value, then the government puts it in a bank and it becomes part of the banks deposit. After this step the bank has to keep 10 percent of that money and the rest can be used for loans and other purposes. This process can go on forever until the 10 percent is minimal or none. The reason why it is corrupt is because the banks charge high interest and the debt becomes virtually unpayable that is when the corruption starts and never ends because the richer want to get richer and the poor poorer.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Al jazeera post: palestinian president threatens to go to UN

The article I choose to do this posts is about the palestinian-israeli conflict. The artice caught my eye because it was about a conflict we had studied in class and have better understanding of it. the President Mahmoud Abbas signed a request to join some UN councils to promote peace talks.
Abbas seemed very decide and said "this is not a move against America, or any other party - it is our right, and we agreed to suspend it for nine months". This should help avoiding any type of US intervention in possible peace talks.

This is another desperate attempt of the palestinian people and their leaders to peacefully regain the land they owned. AThis struggle has been going on for many years and seems unsurmountable. Al jazeeras correspondant said  "Abbas feels he has no other choice. He is in a difficult position among the Palestinians: The settlements have doubled; home demolitions of Palestinians have doubled - and it is difficult for him to justify the talks without seeing results,". In my opinion this is a good way to try to solve things peacefully and avoid violence at all cost. I think this councils could really help around and eventually have a settlement with both countries and solve the never ending conflict.

MLA CITATION- "Palestinian President Threatens to Go to UN." - Middle East. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.

Food inc post

the food corporation is a very dominant world were most little farms and companies fail to compete with big multinationals. In the US the system is the design to be cheap so the poor people are the most damaged and unhealthy. This is a clear example of how corporations can design and protect a system to get their benefits and keep people chained tp the system. This system also has aspects that affect race and economy. The system is protected at all cost so it doesnt break and the money keeps on flowing to big monstrous corporations and multinationals.

In todays society race and wealth determine were you are in the social ladder. Most poor people can not eat healthy and unvoluntairly form part of a system they can later not get out of. The system is designed to make the healthy food be more exensive and poor people who are often black, latinos or other minorities wound up cornered by this system in order to save money and live a semi-respectful life. Te only way we can break this system is fi we unite against it and fight it little by little with perseverance. If we can not do this the corporations will soon control most aspects of the economy and society and will have us in the palm of their hands.