jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Russia is out of the G8

The G8 is an international organization formed by the eight wealthiest countris around the globe. This elite group is in charge of analyzing and trying to solv global crises on a lower scale than the UN.  Russia was recently expelled from the G8 due to the crimean crisis, to me this builds more tension between Russia and the US. Russias actions are not being approved and they are being expelled or threatened to be expelled by several international organizations, but is this really a good thing?

The G8 is the first international organization to officially expell russia from activity but if this continues more organizations will follow. Russia just legally nationalized 250,000 people from crimea and already declared crimea as theirs. If the organizations keep kicking them out instead of finding a peaceful way Russia wouldnt have to respond to anyone and could cause a war between a lot of countries. Russias actions are far from good but instead of kicking them out organizations shoul try to go with a more diplomatic way and solve this peacufully.

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