domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

post 1 israeli palestinian conflict post

This webpage shows us many different perspectives on the conflict and many ways to interpret it. This conflict is a very delicate issue and this webpage can help us understand it better. The conflict is very complicated and this is a tool for us to understand it better and help us discuss it. The different perspectives also shows the interest of other countries like the USA in the conflict and why they support Israel.

MLA CITATION. ifamericansnew. N.p., 12 6 2010. Web. 2 Mar 2014. <>.

This article talks about the background story of the conflict between Israel and palestine. This lets us see why this conflict has been going on for more than 40 years and still is not coming to an end. The article shows us several points of view and lets us see all the perspectives in this conflict. This is a very reliable source because it lets us see all the perspectives on the issue and understand why it has not been solved during more than 40 years.

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