domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

My Life Manifesto

Rafael Ramirez
May 2, 2014
My Manifesto
I have been at Colegio Panamericano for about 13 years and during this time I really learned a lot of things that are not necessarily academic. Now that I am in my senior year I realize I am about to start a new part of life and all the lessons I learned have made me who I am today. School not only allowed me to learn great lessons but it allowed me to meet amazing people and the best friends I could ever ask for. After all this years in school I realized how lucky of a person I am for being in this school, meeting the friends I met and having all the opportunities I had and will have thanks to this 13 years at Panamericano. Like everything this cycle at Panamericano has to come to an end but I will forever cherish it and look back at it with happiness.
One of my best teachers in my life has been basketball, even though it has been around me for just about 2 and a half years. Before I started playing I was just a kid who barely made friends and who never really achieved anything. This sport I now cherish flipped my lifestyle around and helped me gain many attributes I now use in my everyday life. When I started liking basketball I wasn’t sure if I should try for the team or not, I was a little more chubby than now and didn’t have any confidence at all. With the encouragement from other basketball players and friends like Hernando and Camilo I decided to go ahead and try out for the team.
The first months were really rough and I was just learning the fundamentals and trying to gain physical toughness, the support I got I haven’t received in a long time and everything I did even if it didn’t relate to basketball felt great. I started since the first game I played due to the team’s lack of size and strength; I was pretty good at everything except scoring the basketball… After several months I started to get better at the game but just when everything seemed great and the Medellin Binationals were just 3 months ahead I had a considerable ankle injury. I made it to the tournament but just started two games and generally played in a rusty way, Meanwhile Fabio another friend that at the time was the team’s star was having a great tournament and led our team to the semifinals where we lost in dramatic fashion to Columbus school from Medellin. After the tournament ended we finished fourth and I promised to myself that I wasn’t going to see any other tournament by the bench, that I was going to be the one dominating the court and getting all the recognition for me and my team.
The entire year before the Cartagena Binationals I joined Panteras the other team my Coach Carlos trained and decided to drop some pounds. With Panteras I won one regional championship and went to a national championship were we got 3rd place. I wasn’t the star at Panteras but I learned that even a small part of a team is essential for the team to work and win, like coach Krzyzewski said “A basketball team is like the five fingers on your hand. If you can get them all together, you have a fist. That's how I want you to play” (Krzyzewski 95). I got my basketball level up and the entire team was enjoying great success we won intercolegiados very easily and just kept aiming for the title in Cartagena. But yet again just 5 months before the tournament we got the news Fabio was going to move to Bogota and he couldn’t be able to play the tournament.
After this terrible news I felt really bad but inside me I knew it was my time to shine. I kept training in both school and Panteras until I reached a great playing level but I was still undervalued by some people on the team and some other friends.
When we got to Cartagena I was a man on a mission my fist game I scored 26 points and totally dominated the game and got us the win. As the tournament kept going I scored 18 or more points in 4 different occasions and just went bellow ten points in one game. I was the star and it felt pretty great but then again reality punched the team in the face and a bad game for two or three players meant our dream was over. This loss really hurt me bad but it made me understand that even if you give 100 percent and all your effort if it is not meant for you it is not meant for you.  My love for this sport is summarized in this quote The game of basketball has been everything to me. My place of refuge, place I've always gone where I needed comfort and peace. It's been the site of intense pain and the most intense feelings of joy and satisfaction. It's a relationship that has evolved over time, given me the greatest respect and love for the game.” (Jordan 2002)
Playing basketball opened many doors for me and allowed me to meet new people that are now close friends. But my entire school experience doesn’t circle around this sport I love it goes way beyond that.  In school there are teachers that mark us and sometimes even change the way we act, for me that teacher was Ms. Gladys. She taught me that if you try and study you can reach your goals and accomplish almost anything. Ms. Gladys made me change from a C student to a B and A student and she always kept me motivated. In school not only teacher motivate us and teach us in class some assignments can change a person very quickly.
Ms. Sierra gave the assignment that changed me and the perspective I now have of society. This assignment was how the other half-lives, it consisted in taking pictures of how people with less opportunities lived in our city. This assignment really showed us that poverty is very harsh and it doesn’t respect any boundaries. The most important thing about this assignment is it made me realize how fortunate I am and all the opportunities I have to succeed in this world.
When I graduate officially I will go to college and get a degree in business. With this I plan to make my own business and make it successful little by little until it reaches international recognition. The alternate plan I have is dedicating myself to invest in big companies and if I have the chance become the owner of one. This two are my safe alternates that don’t seem very risky but my real dream is to one day work for the a basketball team whether it is as an administrator for the league or the GM of a team I would one day love to be working in something that involves the sport that I love deeply.
My plan to change the world includes giving opportunities to others. If I one day become successful I would love to give people the same chances I had and I would do this by sports. Promoting sports is the key to my plan this would open doors for everyone and while they get this new opportunities the kids would have a great time. I think if everyone had the same opportunities I have they would be very successful and do the same thing by promoting more opportunities for the ones that need them the most. By doing this I would be giving back to the universe because it blessed me with great opportunities and I will also be giving back to basketball because thanks to the sport I learned and achieved things I couldn’t have done without it.

This is what I have lived through this fourteen years in school, it has had good times and bad times but it has been a great experience but like this quote says “Life is like a roller coaster. It has its ups and downs...but it's your choice to either scream or enjoy the ride ” (Unknown). I loved my time here but it is time to move on in life and live new experiences I hope all the people I met had the same great time I had at the school and are able to remain as happy as I met them here. I now start a journey with a different path but if at the end of the road I am a happy man I will know I made the right decision and achieved all my goals. 


  • Jordan Michael, "Michael Jordan Quote." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 04 May 2014. < 

  • Krzyzewski mike, "Mike Krzyzewski Quote." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 04 May 2014. <> 

    • Unknown, Unknown. "Life Is like a Roller Coaster. It Has Its Ups and Downs...but It's Your Choice to Either Scream or Enjoy the Ride. Be Positive." Search Quotes. Search Quotes, n.d. Web. 04 May 2014. <>


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